ARC Review: French Holiday

Title: French Holiday

Author: Sarah Ready

Genres: Adult, Romance, Contemporary

Rating: ★★★★

Links: Goodreads | Barnes & Noble

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Most Anticipated Releases of the Second Half of 2022

Hello, loves! 🥰 While I was writing my Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag post (which I hope to have finished by next week), I started thinking about my most anticipated upcoming releases that are coming out by the end of 2022. There are so many that I’m really excited for that I decided to dedicate this entire post to talking about them. I initially planned to narrow it down to 10 new books but that was too hard, so then I attempted 15 but that wasn’t possible either. So here are the eighteen upcoming releases that I’m most excited for–yes, I am both indecisive and excessive. (They are listed in order of release date and their covers are linked to Goodreads.)

Continue reading “Most Anticipated Releases of the Second Half of 2022”